Friday, December 18, 2009


This was my 3rd week at kl, past 2 week was a busy week where i had my freelance work on weekend and was stressed of adding subject for this semester. But when comes to this week, i can't get used to this free time that i had now. Everyday got nothing to do, want go out also need think twice because overspent last week. Right now, playing Wild Ones whole day "seems like enjoying, but honestly if i have better things to do, Wild Ones would be my last option."

Fast find me some job! or else i will bored till death!!!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Nose Bleeding Shark

take a deep look, the little shark nose was bleeding, i think is due to he or she always knock on the aquarium glass when do turning.

Iphone 3Gs

oh shit, too long didn't hang on blogger now forgot how to use it and posting.

well past 5 days i was working at 1u as a crew for maxis promote iphone 3Gs. my part was to take pictures of customer and print it out as a cover for a disc.

it's 1st time have to say that working here totally don't have stress due to our leader that always like to fooling around. 1st day really get shock to hear from him, he said if bored ask me go shopping and drag me to hang with him. =.=
there are a korean work there also, his name is lj, at his back we used lanjiao to replaced his nick name. at the last day i shout out his name kena marah pula. well well, scold with a smile where got people will scare haha

everything end now, have to get back to routine, study, study & study again. to be actual is to go class sleep. haha

Friday, October 9, 2009

26th Sept -[Eagle Ranch Resort, Port Dickson]-

staying at band wagons type resort.

It was a trip organized by our sport class for enjoyment, where our class decided to go pd. To conclude the whole trip is that quite enjoying but very tiring. Only one that needed to complain is that the buffet very suck, every meal just have 4 to 5 dishes with some low cost dessert. haha

Monday, September 28, 2009

damaged myvi

date:15th sept 09, 0230
lost:2 friends injured, car temporary enter workshop, no transport to ride on when boring or depress, lost budget to buy the stuff that i wanted for so long cause have to pay for certain fees.

when have it that time complain this complain that,
when lost that time miss a ride on it.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Tagged by yaya

Q01、你的大名?★ Siaw Jun Wei
Q02、你認為什麼才算是真正幸福? ★ happy everyday
Q03、你們覺得友情重要還是愛情重要,為什麼? ★ Same, both needed in life
Q04、你相信天長地久嗎? ★ believe
Q06、你現在過得快樂麼? ★ so so
Q07、如果有秘密,你真的會做到坦白的告訴對方嗎? ★ Depend in which situation
Q08、喜歡小Baby嗎? ★ love it alot
Q09、覺得友情是永遠的麼? ★ not sure
Q10、希望自己多大結婚? ★ 27 & above
Q11、你會為他做自己從來不會做的事情? ★ yes
Q12、你覺得女生捲髮好還是直發好? ★ straight
Q13、最想去哪裡旅遊? ★ london
Q14、一輩子都不會忘記的事? ★ too much
Q15、如果愛一個人,是不是要拼命挽回他? ★ yes
Q16、看到天空你想起的第一個人是誰? ★ nothing, just past memories
Q17、你會愛他一輩子麼? ★ yes
Q18、喜欢你的人和你喜歡的人,你會選哪個? ★ i like her
Q19、你會以何種方式表現你對他(她)的愛? ★ try to do what she wants
Q20、如果看到自己最愛的人熟睡在你面前你會做什麼?抱著他? ★ make sure she fall asleep only i take my nap.... sometimes touch her head
Q21、如果你想痛扁一個人,你希望那個人是? ★ bad man
Q22、你會後悔過自己的決定嗎? ★ yes
Q23、現在最迷什麼? ★ dont know
Q24、你是好孩子嗎? ★ no, im not
Q25、覺得愛情和麵包哪個重要? ★ love
Q26、如果你失戀了你會怎麼樣? ★ drive car
Q27、如果你的BF(GF)經常不回家的話,你會怎樣? ★ msg or call
Q28、现在给你勇气,你最想做些什么事? ★ bad to the past
01、是誰傳給你這份問卷的? ★ yayajw
02、你們認識多久呢? ★ more than 1 year
03、TA對你來說重要嗎? ★ important
04、你與TA的關係是? ★ couple
05、請問TA的興趣是? ★ eating
06、你覺得TA的個性如何? ★ sometimes ok sometime not ok lo
07、TA在你心目中是幾分? ★ unrated, important
08、睡覺前第一件事?開風扇?喝水? ★ clean the dirt on the leg
09、你的偶像? ★ muthi(tuition teacher during secondary)
10、你喜歡的季節? ★ no season at my country
11、你打工麼? ★ yes
12、打工次數? ★ 4
13、你想去的國家? ★ england
14、你討厭什麼樣的個性? ★ jiao ao
15、你會抽煙麼? ★ yes
16、你會喝酒麼? ★ yes
17、你常哭麼? ★ depend
18、你常笑麼? ★depend
19、你喜歡去哪玩? ★ alot of place
20、去玩時喜歡自己一個人去麼? ★ sometimes
21、是假日時你都睡到幾點? ★ mayb 10 mayb 1pm
22、今天的天氣是? ★ humit
53、你們知道最遠的距離是什麽嗎? ★ dono
54、我的BGM好听么? ★ yes
55、你的皮包里有什么说说吧 ★ ic and few piece of money and rubbish
56、你生命中最重要的人是? ★ family
57、啥东西是你喜欢吃的呀? ★ burger
58、现在有喜欢的人吗? ★ yes, happen one year ago
59、你還喜歡他(她)嗎? ★ yes
60、你觉得我坏吗? ★ naughty
61. 怎样才是真正的爱? ★ love each other and sacrifice for each other

Friday, August 7, 2009

Semenyih -[Hiking]-

After school closed down, i planned to follow ce friends go for hiking. The trip need roughly 30min to reach the oil palm estate and we depart at 4.30pm. From bottom to the top of the hill need 1hr to reach. The path was filled with dried grasses and sand. Some part very dangerous need robe because too slope and full of stone. I rest a lot of place because too long don't exercise and it is being 1 year i went for hiking. Now out of sudden got that feel want enjoy and active back myself.

Recently felt myself mentally and physically weak. So better find something to do that benefit to health. To be honest i overestimate myself, since more than 4 years don't practice back all sport, i went for such challenging place and did not wear sport shoe. Sometime will slide down hill so have to kaki ayam. haha

This is the part where i think of giving up to go further where we need robe to climb on top. But after take a rest energy has gained back so better chase back our friends.

Finally at last we managed to reach the top of hill and on a big stone with pride and me, i climbed with bare foot. ^^

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Uniten closed down today

I've been waiting for this day, today whole campus fall in shock. Heard it from friend, today all lecturers are called to enter hall in a sudden. Then at coe got staffs check temperature and distributed mask to colleges as a precaution to h1n1. After awhile coe was empty no people hanging here and there, one by one class was postponed to next time. At 12pm heard from friend that campus has closed down due to h1n1 has affected 3 of colleges. At that time i just depart from my apartment, luckily for those that reached early told us. And from today onward will having 2 days holiday follow by 1 week midterm break. So which mean that i have 11 days holiday. haha But of course after holiday my timetable was full with assignment, quiz and test. Have to prepare for all of those subject asap.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Saint Anne church celebration are held on july every year. And me, i will never miss this fest. This year again i went with my gf, dating and of course pray as well and finally i remembered to take some pictures of the scenery. But this year the amount of people on the road are not that crowded, maybe is because i went earlier compare to last year.
These naughty girl really enjoyed playing with her new toy balloon, zebra.And now i took the picture of the street, here came a zebra peeping into the lens. lol

We didn't really walk all the place like the new church area and the fountain at the centre of field. Like usual, get bubble tea, burgers, toys "of course for my childish gf, she like that zebra alot" and bought 2 bottles of special soft drinks for my brother. The next day i woke up saw him so happy i got something for him. He always ask me did i get present for him when i went back to penang. Now at least he owned something that can consumed and at the same time can keep that special bottles as souvenir.

If u were given the 3rd eye, where will u be placing it?

If u were given the 3rd eye, where will u be placing it? (Think before u read furthermore.) Today in Malaysian studies class, my lecturer ask us about it and give us what it mean in psychology that reflect our personality.

1st, placed it behind your head:
You are some one that learn from history and your past. All that u had learned and experienced u manipulate it and make it more better when u do it next time. But for this kind of person, they are those that scared back stabbing and even other talk to them, they wont trust u totally.
(Beware of this kind of person.)

2nd, placed it on your hand or your ear side:
Those are some one that creative, trustworthy because they want to be exact in what they heard and what they touched. Sometime what you heard isn't what you thought as imagined in mind but by placing an eye beside your ear, you know what you are listening and at the same time u had a clear view. The negative side is this person easily trust and persuade by other. Heart easily lured.
(It's happen good to other around you but in some way it brings u disadvantage.)

3rd, placed it in your heart:
Basically they are romantic person, sentimental and sensitive to environment. U wish that you can feel it all that u encountered make u open your heart understand and feel what u are doing. Those your lover had this personality you will be happy to live with them. But the bad part of it is u are to sensitive, easily hurt by others because your heart is too fragile.
(Your partner will be very bliss to be by your side.)

4th, gave away the third eye to some one in need:
Kindhearted person, tolerate. U are kind and wish to help those that need help. Sympathetic attitude toward others, and a willingness to do good or give pleasure. Negative of it is you giving something more than necessary sometime. others might take advantage on you due to your kindness. Too tolerate with others.
(Compassionate person.)

Sunday, July 19, 2009


I still remember this, when im in form5, my friend show me a link online of a touched story. recently i saw again these title and go search of it... 叶子的离开,是因为风的追求,还是树的不挽留。






她尷尬的笑笑說:「Go on!」然後跑掉,第二天,






















「我在點頭。」 「啊?」我不敢相信自己的耳朵。



Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Tired but enjoyed

Every day, every hour time passing that humans are dragged by ages. Sometimes really need to admit that i'm old already. Today friends invited me play football, i don't even run the whole field but my heart like stomping my chest trying to break through the wall. Luckily weather quite cloudy so at least while playing can rest also. After play go wat cendol then straight come back home. Somemore they said that every tuesday evening must go over play on field haha. Like this a day has past that simple. Not matter how how long you experience it, but once time passes, every sweet time, hardship became memories.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Hometown memories

Sunday, a day before i leave my hometown, that night was a windy night. While i entering my house door, a cold breezing air blew passing my body and at that moment make me starts to miss my home. Tired of myself that im making myself doing errand out of nothing. Miss my granma because dint visit her and thinking of going back to kl is a long lonely journey. At that moment i just think if i could just weighing on bed without awake.

This trip back to hometown really alot of things happen, some are surprising and some might be the sad part. Because i hang alot with my gf i started to know what she wants, her way of thinking and doing things. Some how, she changed in some way and from what i've observed she has improved alot. But of course there are times that our ideas crashed and even so i quite happy because most of it solved. About friends, i really rarely meet them this time. But for those that i've met, never judge book by it cover. This journey i met alot of lost contact friends and strangers, i might elaborate them especially strangers in next post. No matter whoever u with in, u cant know what a person is thinking, even if u ask, they might just give u an answer that we know that are not true.

Is it life is that complicated? Is it life is full of secret? Is it life is full of trick and lies?

Isnt that life has to be sincere, uprightness and frankness?

If being lives in selfishness and just gaining own profit, how can we define ourselve as existence, u are no longer so called as being. (This idea gained from my gf notes, quote:"business is not a business if just by earning profit.")

Come back to my life, the previous plan i came back is to go a few place such as beaches, gurney drive, gurney plaza and queensbay. But very sad to say that i dont have that change. Even went gurney also dint walk pass each shop. And now, really soon im leaving this place, really gonna miss it miss my parent and miss my gf. love u...

Saturday, June 13, 2009

A holiday break

By tomorrow, this blog might just stop post for some time due to my holiday, enjoy life at penang and past my day with my love. And i will start reposting as soon as i come back from penang. Hopefully at that time i have improve my writing skill and a new pattern of blogging. So here by wish all my friends that holiday now happy holiday and take some rest before class start again. bye

Friday, June 12, 2009

june 11th(1st Anniversary)

My love

After this relation has broke for a short term and finally get back together as well as we had our 1st year anniversary yesterday. Problem happened when a couple just avoid it by not face it together. After put some affort on it talk together and as a result we knew what happen between us and solved it so this is a conclusion that final we get back to our life. june 11th is the date that we start our love last year so after one year it has to be our 1st anniversary.

As her wish her favourite restaurant, i brought her to The Curve kim gary, after that bring her to ikano pet centre since it's near to The curve and one more reason is that she likes pet alot... we loiter at pet centre more than 40minutes then forward to Time Square watch "Drag Me To Hell". Definitely at this meaningful day, i like to find some place that we never go before and to make it as a memorable place, the last place also is the place where we having our dinner is at 21st Century, Kajang. The daring part here is i just search online some nice view restaurant and Don't Know the food here nice or not but really luck at my side, she love it...

[A day before our anniversary playing pool with friends][Location, Kim Gary, The Curve]
[Time Square, Took her spec tried on myself^^]
[21st Century, Kajang]
Here are some food pictures that taken at various place:
[Food at Kim Gary]

[Recomended to try food over there really not bad, i tried spagetti and the beef grill are welly marinate. Got chance sure will bring friends go eat there. (About my dear, she really enjoying bite jagung. haha muackxz...)]

As what we have experienced, missed and lost, those
disheartening incident hopefully by through
this anniversary can foster back our relationship.
love dear always... muacksz